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small meals, eat only things that come from nature, focus on replica Omega 1561.71 WoMen's watch proper technique when working out, and work your abs every other day to allow recovery time for the muscles to develop, says trainer Jordan Yuam, who works with Hollywood actors. Aileen Torres It’s a disc. As such, it’s uncomfortable, unmaneuverable, and uncontrollable. In other words, it’s wicked fun, and everything a sled should be. In the end, it made our list because it was the only plastic disc that we didn’t destroy. 8. Wham-O SnowBoogie Air Thunder ($20; purchased at Walmart)The Snow Boogie is supposed to be ridden like an ocean-going boogie board—only problem is that waves give way when your hands dig in.

Not so in the mountains (no wonder they call them the Rockies). Still, the Snow Boogie won a handful of first-place votes for its belly-down style and its replica Omega 1272.70 WoMen's watch maneuverability —lean hard one way and the Snow Boogie will actually carve in powder.7. Twice-Patched Truck-Tire Inner Tube ($3, purchased at Amigo Tire Co., in Santa Fe, NM)Cheap.Occasionally I meet people on climbs that leave a lasting impression. Brad Jackson and Sandy Hoby cross that requirement and more. I met them on Everest in 2008.

They were on a different team but also climbing from the Nepal side. As is the case on Everest, you get to know other climbers over dinner in Base replica Omega 1365.75 WoMen's watch Camp, crossing a crevasse in the Ice Fall or struggling to breathe at a high camp.Brad and Sandy stood out for many reasons but mostly for their dedication to one another as well as their climbing ambitions.Now they are returning to Everest, not only to finish what they started but to raise awareness and funds for bowel cancer. You see Sandy had her entire lower intestine removed in 2001 because of this disease.