
Visit the event page for more information on Nemesis

"Players will have to band together against a team of their greatest foes in order to stop them from tearing a hole in reality in a bid to take over the Champions universe The event will feature a brand new location and new, intergalactic gladiator enemies to the mix as well Sounds like a good time!And in case you've let your Champions Online subscription replica Rolex 116234-63 Men's watch lapse already, Cryptic is holding a free weekend the 26th through the 28th, just in case you wanted to return to give your nemesis the beat-down.

Visit the event page for more information on Nemesis Confrontation. Today's the day, the magical day We're throwing a party in Child's Play's honor and you're invited. Just come on down to Cervantes Masterpiece Ballroom in Denver at 6 p. m. , replica Rolex 116234PRO Men's watch donate a bit to get in and party like a rock star up on stage or in the console arcade. But before you come, here are some things you should know:We'll be having a silent auction this time around, the items are listed here, if you want to bid make sure to bring a credit card or cash

Each of the items will have a sign-up sheet To bid you'll just need to put down your name and number and the amount you want to bid The top (still present) bidder will win. You'll have to be present to win (the auction will run from 7 p. m to 10 p. m. ) and replica Rolex 116233-SRJ Men's watch able to pay on the spot. We'll have both Rock Band and DJ Hero up on stage this year and a couple of folks from Harmonix will be joining us to ensure that we both rock and rock hard. If you're more into console gaming,